Long hands do not tear the proper treatment of barbs

Release time:2023-11-13 13:53

Long hands do not tear the proper treatment of barbs

Some women are very easy to skin their hands when the air becomes moist, and even long barbs, some people prefer a simple and rough method, that is, directly tear, may be very painful, but the barbs are indeed gone, but this treatment method is obviously wrong, then how to do with the hands long barbs, how to deal with the hands long barbs, Eight treasures network Xiaobian to bring you the right way to deal with.

The reason for the barbs on the hands

Long hands do not tear the proper treatment of barbs

First, dry skin. The outermost stratum corneum of the skin is dry and cracked, and a close look can find cracks, so the edges of the skin will pan.

Second, the stratum corneum is not developed well. Such people's skin is usually easy to dry, or suffer from mild ichthyosis.

Third, frequent contact with washing products. Do housework often use detergent, detergent, hand sanitizer and other washing supplies, or put too much washing supplies, hands are easy to grow barbs. You should know that the kitchen washing products have a strong ability to remove oil, will wash off the sebum on the skin, resulting in a lack of skin protection, water evaporation, not only barbs, but also easy to get eczema.

It is unwise to remove barbs that have already grown! Because the barb is connected to the muscle, it is easy to cause skin lacerations when pulled out.

How to do with long barbs on hands

Long hands do not tear the proper treatment of barbs_hair milos forman 

Methods of dealing with barbs:

1. First soak the hands with barbs in warm water for about 15 minutes to soften the nails and surrounding skin.

2. Use sharp, clean nail clippers or small scissors to neatly cut off the barbs. (Before cutting barbs, it's best to disinfect nail clippers and small scissors with iodine and alcohol.)

3, it is best to apply a layer of hand cream after treatment, and then massage around the nails with vitamin E skin care products to reduce the probability of long barbs.

4, if there is redness or suppuration around the barb, it is likely to be an infection, it is best to apply anti-inflammatory ointment, such as erythromycin or 100 states, or go to the hospital in time.

Precautions for handling barbs

If the skin around the barb is damaged, disinfect it with alcohol in time. If it is inflamed, dispose of it in time. Do not touch contaminants with your hands.

Usually do not develop the habit of biting your fingers with your mouth, which is easy to cause dry finger skin and barbed ~

Before cutting barbs, it is best to disinfect nail clippers and small scissors with iodine and alcohol.

How to prevent hands from growing barbs

Long hands do not tear the proper treatment of barbs

Girls have a common problem: love to clean, love to wash hands, love to apply hand cream. In fact, sebum is the best moisturizer for the human body, no matter what kind of hand cream can only simulate the effect of sebum, so for some professional skin problems, wearing latex gloves is a better choice, which can reduce the number of hand washing, but also reduce the loss of sebum. Except, of course, for those with latex allergies.

For physical friction and unavoidable hand washing, hand cream should be applied immediately after washing to protect wet cuticles. The main ingredients of the hand cream are a uniform mixture of hydrophobic components such as silicone oil (dimethylsiloxane) and lanolin and hydrophilic components such as glycerin. Glycerin can "draw" the surrounding water molecules to ensure the moderate moisture of the skin, and the oil can prevent the evaporation of water, so as to protect the skin.

It should be noted that the simple glycerin solution will absorb skin moisture when the air is particularly dry, and cannot play a moisturizing role, so it is not recommended to protect the skin with glycerin solution alone for people who often have barb.
